Artbeat Magazine vol.003
Ryan Lau 劉威煌 featured NECRO POON collection
Styling on Vincent Wong 王浩信
Tottori Okayama Food fair ceremony - Wardrobe NECRO POON menswear collection FW2016
Esquire menswear magazine interview
The theory of fashion~
VS sassoon official ad, re-style and dressed up NECRO POON collection on Ng Yip Kwan 坤哥
VS x 全新坤哥 幕後花絮 Link:
2015/7/22 Lam Fung 「群星闪烁慈善夜」 with NECRO POON wool digital print and embroidery blazer
This was an amazing night to sponsor Mr Lam Fung for the outfit to the show in Charity Gala. 「群星闪烁慈善夜」音乐晚宴 . It was a great great evening.